'use strict'; //Initial testimonial slider $('#testimonials').bxSlider({ mode: 'fade', auto: true, autoControls: true, controls: false }); //carusel for clients $('.client-slider').bxSlider({ pager: false, minSlides: 1, maxSlides: 6, moveSlides: 2, slideWidth: 130, slideMargin: 25, prevSelector: $('#client-prev'), nextSelector: $('#client-next'), prevText: '', nextText: '' }); $('.text-slider').bxSlider({ pager: false, prevText: '', nextText: '' }); //Efext on labels on contact form $("input.label_better, textarea.label_better").label_better({ animationTime: 500, easing: "bounce", offset: 0, hidePlaceholderOnFocus: true }); $("#Grid").mixitup({}); function homeFullScreen() { var homeSection = $('.home'); var windowHeight = $(window).outerHeight(); if (homeSection.hasClass('home-fullscreen')) { $('.home-fullscreen').css('height', windowHeight); } } function stickyMenu() { var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); var offset = 0; if (scrollTop > offset) { $('#navbar').addClass('navbar-small'); } else { $('#navbar').removeClass('navbar-small'); } } function inviewAnimation() { $('.skills').bind('inview', function () { $('.skill').easyPieChart({ size: 140, animate: 2000, lineWidth: 6, lineCap: 'square', barColor: '#ffe600', trackColor: '#ffffff', scaleColor: false }); }) $('.numbers').one('inview', function (event, visible) { if (visible === true) { $('.numbers .number').each(function () { var element = $(this); var duration = element.attr('data-duration'); var count = element.attr('data-count') var id = element.attr('id'); var numAnim = new countUp(id, 0, count, 0, duration); numAnim.start(); }) } }) $('.heading > h1').one('inview', function(event, visible){ $(this).addClass('animate fadeInRight'); }); $('.heading > div').one('inview', function(event, visible){ $(this).addClass('animate fadeInLeft'); }); $('.process-item').one('inview', function(event, visible){ $(this).addClass('animate fadeInLeft'); }); $('.service-item').one('inview', function(event, visible){ $(this).addClass('animate'); }) $('.adress-element').one('inview', function(event, visible){ $(this).addClass('animate fadeInUp'); }) $('.about-item').one('inview', function(event, visible){ $(this).addClass('animate fadeInUp'); }) } function filterPath(string) { return string.replace(/^\//, '').replace(/(index|default).[a-zA-Z]{3,4}$/, '').replace(/\/$/, ''); } function singlePageNav() { var lastId, topMenu = $(".navbar"), topMenuHeight = topMenu.outerHeight(), // All list items menuItems = topMenu.find("a"), // Anchors corresponding to menu items scrollItems = menuItems.map(function () { var item = $($(this).attr("href")); if (item.length) { return item; } }); $('a[href*=#]').each(function () { if (filterPath(location.pathname) == filterPath(this.pathname) && location.hostname == this.hostname && this.hash.replace(/#/, '')) { var $targetId = $(this.hash), $targetAnchor = $('[name=' + this.hash.slice(1) + ']'); var $target = $targetId.length ? $targetId : $targetAnchor.length ? $targetAnchor : false; if ($target) { $(this).click(function () { //Hack collapse top navigation after clicking topMenu.parent().attr('style', 'height:0px').removeClass('in'); //Close navigation $('.navbar .btn-navbar').addClass('collapsed'); var targetOffset = $target.offset().top - 52; $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: targetOffset }, 800); return false; }); } } }); // Bind to scroll $(window).scroll(function () { //Display or hide scroll to top button if ($(this).scrollTop() > 100) { $('.scrollup').fadeIn(); } else { $('.scrollup').fadeOut(); } // Get container scroll position var fromTop = $(this).scrollTop() + topMenuHeight + 10; // Get id of current scroll item var cur = scrollItems.map(function () { if ($(this).offset().top < fromTop) return this; }); // Get the id of the current element cur = cur[cur.length - 1]; var id = cur && cur.length ? cur[0].id : ""; if (lastId !== id) { lastId = id; // Set/remove active class menuItems .parent().removeClass("active") .end().filter("[href=#" + id + "]").parent().addClass("active"); } }); } function openProject() { var portfolioItem = $('.portfolio-item > a'); var singleProject = $('#single-project'); var loader = "
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